  "message": "cancelOrder",
  "content": {
    "clientRequestId": "0835bf3e-4a20-41f0-908d-8213f2b7a285",
    "price": "1788.00",
    "orderType": "buy",
    "tradeType": "limit",
    "cancelBy": "price"
// Orders deleted successfully
  "resultType": "cancelOrder",
  "data": {
    "clientRequestId": "0835bf3e-4a20-41f0-908d-8213f2b7a285#0",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": "order cancelled",
    "order": {
        "market": "ETH-USD",
        "orderId": "01HZ5JPAH8DMWCAHK96A90GGHF",
        "orderType": "buy",
        "tradeType": "limit",
        "price": "3600",
        "quantity": "1",
        "leverage": "1",
        "createdAt": 1717100554792,
        "updatedAt": 1717100595574,
        "orderStatus": "active"

For the current WebSocket request, you can optionally include a unique client request ID in the request body. The same client request ID will be found in the response and is used to match the response to the request. The client request ID must be a UUID.

Cancelling order by price may delete multiple orders. Each deleted order will be returned in a separate response. If a client request ID was provided, all these responses will contain the same client request ID plus a suffix. For example, if the client request ID is 0835bf3e-4a20-41f0-908d-8213f2b7a285 and there are two orders of the same price, the two responses will contain 0835bf3e-4a20-41f0-908d-8213f2b7a285#0 and 0835bf3e-4a20-41f0-908d-8213f2b7a285#1 respectively in no particular order.


This stream can be subscribed per market and you will need to pass in the market in the URL query. See below.

Query params


Example value: ETH-USD. To get all supported markets, call /api/v1/markets endpoint.


See Authorization section on how to retrieve authorization token. Once token is received, set Sec-WebSocket-Protocol headers in the WebSocket handshake request or on connect().


Example value (authorization token) :

  "message": "cancelOrder",
  "content": {
    "clientRequestId": "0835bf3e-4a20-41f0-908d-8213f2b7a285",
    "price": "1788.00",
    "orderType": "buy",
    "tradeType": "limit",
    "cancelBy": "price"
// Orders deleted successfully
  "resultType": "cancelOrder",
  "data": {
    "clientRequestId": "0835bf3e-4a20-41f0-908d-8213f2b7a285#0",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": "order cancelled",
    "order": {
        "market": "ETH-USD",
        "orderId": "01HZ5JPAH8DMWCAHK96A90GGHF",
        "orderType": "buy",
        "tradeType": "limit",
        "price": "3600",
        "quantity": "1",
        "leverage": "1",
        "createdAt": 1717100554792,
        "updatedAt": 1717100595574,
        "orderStatus": "active"