We use a test USDC token on Sepolia Testnet for testing purposes. The contract address is 0x03898729C0B4eA0d434baFA11247e574Ec3DB83b.

Please reach out and give us your wallet address so we can send you some test USDC.

In order to trade on our platform, you need to deposit funds first. An EVM compatible wallet (Metamask / Coinbase Wallet) is required to make a deposit or withdrawal. Both the DEPOSIT and WITHDRAW buttons can be found at the top right corner of our website.

No Balance Page

Deposit funds to our platform

Click on the DEPOSIT button and you should see the deposit page below.

Deposit Page

After entering the amount and clicking on the CONFIRM DEPOSIT button, you will be redirected to your wallet to sign and confirm the deposit request.

Wallet Sign Page Wallet Confirm Page for Deposit

Upon successful deposit, you will see the screen below.

Deposit Success Page

Click on the START TRADING button and you will go back to the homepage. Note that the balance should have been updated with your new deposit in the ACCOUNT SUMMARY section.

Post Deposit Page

Withdraw funds from our platform

Click on the WITHDRAW button and you should see the withdraw page below.

Withdraw Page

After entering the amount and clicking on the REQUEST WITHDRAWAL button, you will be redirected to your wallet to confirm the withdrawal request.

Wallet Confirm Page for Withdrawal

Upon successful withdrawal, you will see the screen below.

Withdraw Success Page

Note: If you reject the Withdrawal transaction in the wallet, your funds will still be allocated for withdrawal. You will have to accept the withdrawal transaction and re-deposit.

Click on the “close” icon and you will go back to the homepage. Note that the balance should have been updated with your new withdrawal in the ACCOUNT SUMMARY section.

Post Withdraw Page